Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

We will now describe some social responsibility actions we undertake in different segments and also the purposes that motivate us, for each one:

With Education

As leaders of the multilingual service segment in the country, and in fact in the whole South America, we feel compelled to share the following with the academic world:

– Any methodology that we have developed or imported for the execution of large translation projects;

– Updated knowledge about language technology and other forms of support that information technology offers for management of multilingual projects; and

– Expertise for execution of multilingual localizations of software packages, websites and other projects to be used for e-learning, with the respective content management.

Our aim is to transmit to those involved – institutions, teachers and students – the need to expand and enhance specialization, and also to expand curricular and extracurricular syllabuses of courses currently available, thus contributing towards creation of specializations that still do not exist in the academic world, thus improving the level of the professional people which are now occupied with the most important provision of services as required by globalization.

Yale Week

All Tasks acted in support of “Yale Week”, sponsoring simultaneous translation of this event organized by Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV and Federação das Indústrias de São Paulo – FIESP, which brought to Brazil several professors from the prestigious Yale University, of the United States, between the months of May and June 2007, for conferences, lectures and visits to Brazilian Universities. Yale University, a respected center for qualification of leaders in areas such as administration, politics, environment and education, came in search of Brazilian talent to be part of their undergraduate and graduate courses. Initiatives like this one help to encourage knowledge and also provide support for young University students who will soon have new options to boost their qualifications.

The Universidade Sagrado Coração in Bauru

We participated in the 3rd International Symposium on Educational Languages at the Universidade Sagrado Coração in the city of Bauru, State of São Paulo, in March 2010, taking along, in the role of guest speaker, one of the most experienced and best qualified translators of our team, duly prepared to be this interface, and who, together with our Public Relations person, handed out our newsletters and also remained available for discussions throughout the event.

UNIBERO – Centro Universitário Anhanguera de São Paulo

We regularly participate in congresses such as Congresso Ibero-Americano de Tradução e Interpretação – CIATI, offering specialized professional people from our Company to give lecturers and also to remain at the disposal of the participants at a booth.

Universidade São Judas Tadeu

We regularly participate in events held by Universidade São Judas Tadeu, including the Recruitment Fair for young people interested in trainee programs. At one time we had more than sixty trainees at our offices.

Universidade de Franca

We have participated in several events at Universidade de Franca, in the city of the same name, always providing specialized professionals from our company to give lectures and workshops, and in this case we have even been asked to provide a specialization course.

Universidade Gama Filho

We have participated of Encontro Internacional de Línguas e Tradução held by this Institution, in the same format as the events previously mentioned, which means that we have provided lectures, workshops and exhibitions.

On the corporate world

As the Internet, which has become the main motor of globalization, is still quite recent, not only Brazil but a lot of other countries have not yet awakened to the importance of multilingualism and also how to lead communication in the light of this reality.

Those who do not seek to reach out to global markets, acting on an international scale, will end up being invaded inside their own territory by the foreign competitor who has not flinched at this challenge.

– In what sectors will this be most necessary? What criteria will be defined to establish the languages to be used? What difference is there between machine translation and human translation helped by language technology? How to use the funds set aside for multilingual communication in the best possible way? Has anyone thought about the importance of standardization of language and also the way in which the establishment of a glossary with style and technical terminology can help to achieve this goal? What is the difference between translation and localization? What instruments and practices ensure the quality of translations? How to analyze a good supplier? What are the advantages of establishing a database manager to control all types of literature, especially when using them for translation? Is it possible to survive in a globalised world without the efficiency and speed that the establishment of a documentation center may provide? How many of the world’s largest corporations have already installed a mechanism for knowledge management? How many have realized the importance of an Intranet, and how many have already had one implemented?

Many are the questions and, as incredible as it may seem, it is very rare to find people or organizations who are prepared to answer them. In this context, All Tasks has, for a long time, lived with the feeling that the company has specialized and also created a standard of quality for a market which buys prices. It is common to see a buyer using, when buying a translation, the same criteria used for the purchase of stationery, for example.

And where does the solution lie? We need to inform the market and also build awareness therein! We have created workshops which we take to the whole corporate world, which includes companies, class institutions, trade fairs, exhibitions, technology centers, congresses and also publishers of technical magazines. With the same ultimate aim, we have created a bimonthly newsletter which is distributed to almost 50,000 people, and have established a communication center which informs the different segments of the public liaising with All Tasks, including the press, clients, suppliers, the Government and others, about interesting aspects of the segment on a regular basis.

COMET PROJECT– Corpus Multilíngue para Ensino e Tradução

We accompany, encourage and publish the work of innovative research projects in the translation and linguistics field, as is the case of Projeto COMET – Corpus Multilíngue para Ensino e Tradução, which has been executed together with the Department of Modern Languages of Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas – FFLCH of Universidade de São Paulo (USP), comprising graduate students and volunteers.

Thiana Donato, All Tasks founder and President, was asked to prepare some material for MultiLingual, an American magazine which is the most important communication vehicle for the multilingual service industry at an international level, has innovated by using the theme of the project, which is Corpus Linguistics, as a subject, projecting the activities of the Brazilian University for this sector throughout the world.

CIO Summit 2010

All Tasks participated in the CIO Global Summit of 2010, which is an event organized by Now Digital Business, between May 11 and 15, in the city of Arraial D’Ajuda, State of Bahia.

On this occasion, some 100 CIOs from multinational companies took part in discussion sessions, workshops for professional enhancement, and also lectures about “Sustainable Leadership”, with the aim of providing to the market lessons on how to make the best use of resources, management, development and personnel training.

Encouragement of Sporting Pursuits

All Tasks offers sponsorship to any employee seeking to seriously take up any kind of sporting pursuits, and also paying for international trips for those wishing to compete at this level. In our workforce, we have professional sportspeople who are runners, golfers and also enthusiasts of model aeronautics, all of whom are constantly encouraged and also honored for their sporting achievements. In addition, all employees at All Tasks have sessions of occupational gymnastics three times a week, and these are given by a professional instructor who also has the responsibility of encouraging the teams to get involved in physical activities in general.

We have recently decided to link our image to golf, as this is a sport that has become more and more accessible, and also because we identify ourselves with the basic techniques and requirements for this sport: self-control, determination and also a focus not only on winning, but on practicing fair play and winning.

Sustainable World Cup 2014

All Tasks has participated in the event Copa e Meio Ambiente, promoted by Sinaenco on 9 June. At that time, Jon Pettifer, Operations Director of the British company, the Mace Group, have a lecture on the regeneration of degraded areas in cities that receive major sporting events – architecture and engineering helping towards an urban showcase. To follow, there was a debate about Healthy Urban Environment – requirements for a Sustainable World Cup, coordinated by the President of Sinaenco, José Roberto Bernasconi. All Tasks has participated in the debates about the organization of the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics, in order to help with the multilingual communications at these events and also to be part of this moment in which Brazil has shown significant growth, seeking the construction of a legacy that will be left thanks to the events that lead to social, environmental, economic and cultural improvements for the country as a whole.

Sports Business 2010

All Tasks has also participated in the most important trade fair of the sports segment in Brazil, which is Sports Business, with a booth and also professional people available to talk to the public and also the authorities present, about the importance of multilingual communications in the world of sports. In addition, with the authorization of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), we have pioneered the creation of a sports terms glossary in the 36 Olympic sports, in six different languages, and this was distributed at the event.

Portal 2014

With the aim of helping multilingual communication as part of Brazil’s preparations for hosting the FIFA World Cup™ in 2014, All Tasks is a partner of Portal 2014, being responsible for the translation of the website into English. The translation of the portal content into English makes it possible to provide information about the Brazilian preparation, and also its accomplishments, to host this and other important sporting events.

Support for Institutions Supporting Children and the Young

Our decision to help children comes from the fact that children represent the future, in which we have so much hope. Here are just some of the institutions that we support:

Academia Brasileira de Cultura, Arte e História (ABACH)

Província Franciscana da Imaculada Conceição do Brasil
Support to Cultural Institutions

For more than 10 years, All Tasks has been a partner of Academia Brasileira de Cultura, Arte e História – ABACH, collaborating with cultural events promoted by the association, such as the United in Art exhibition, and also social projects promoted by the institution. The company, and also Thiana Donato, the founder and executive president of the company, have already been honored with important awards such as: “Colar do Mérito Feminino” insignia, in celebration of International Woman’s Day, given to Mrs. Thiana Donato, as Dame Commander, for her dedication and work, which has won the respect, admiration and recognition from society as a whole, on 20 December 2009.

Abach was founded in 1910 and its most recent project was to restore the house that was formerly headquarters of the estate in Morumbi, for installation of the Academy’s headquarters, and also to turn the place into a cultural attraction.

Today, the house has Exhibition rooms and a Senzala Cultural space (“senzala” was the name for the old slave quarters). The whole environment has been restored, while preserving its original characteristics. The project also includes creation of a gastronomic space, serving sophisticated, traditional dishes São Paulo and international cuisine.