Localization is a multifunctional task that consists on the complete translation of a software program, taking into consideration different cultural aspects, such as the customs, religion, system of weights and measures, currency, time zone, and other variables that could affect the final product.
In addition to the translation process, a good Information Technology infrastructure is necessary to localize a software program. All Tasks has a specialized IT department to perform the technical adaptations necessary for the localization process and carry out quality and functionality tests, before delivering the final project to the client.
Software localization: the process of translation and adaptation that ensures greater availability and range for the product, resulting in more competitiveness.
All Tasks is a pioneer in the software localization market in Brazil. It first began specializing in this service in the 1990s, when it performed the first software localization for IBM’s software division. Its expertise in this task is the result of continual imports of the best technologies available abroad.
Localization is a multifunctional task that consists of the translation of a software program, taking into consideration different cultural aspects, such as the customs, religion, system of weights and measures, currency, time zone, and other variables that could affect the final product.
The expansion of e-commerce has made the internet the most effective way to do business. To take advantage of this trend, products and services need to be adapted to the markets to which they will be offered.
Studies indicate that nine out of ten companies researched prefer to buy software in their own language. Cost reduction, speed of communication and support for file management are some of the benefits of localization.