While providing services for the pharmaceutical industry’s top companies, we have witnessed the sector’s evolution during the last decades. Counting on consistent terminology bases, technical terminology consultants and expert translators, we have been successful in meeting our customer’s expectations.
URGENT TRANSLATIONS. Here they are. More than tens of thousands of pages for ANVISA, the Brazilian National Sanitary Inspection Agency, or for equivalent bodies in other countries, when the subject are exports.
Some 15 years ago we believe to have taken on an exceptional emergency while performing a technical and certified translation of 850 thousand words under a 10 day deadline, for one of the top global companies of the pharma sector. Nowadays, however, this kind of event is becoming ever more common.
The urgent translation requires efficient methodology and the employment of technology to support human translation, those capable of ensuring language standardization during the entire process, and which counts on the participation of a large number of translators, revisors, project managers and designers.
Assets exchange, consumer goods sector purchases and remarkable acquisitions have taken place in the industry. In addition to billionaire flows among the sector’s top companies, we’ve also seen a significant growth of the smaller businesses, upsetting the expected trend of a higher market concentration.
Despite the turmoil, the sector grows soundly, extending the range of brands that are being leveraged by great competence and effort.
Our customers’ fidelity is verified in the continuity of the bond companies maintain with us both under their traditional brands as their new ones, assumed through acquisition processes. It is common to also see executives who maintain the option of hiring us along their career in the sector, throughout the several companies they work for.
Astrazeneca, Abbott, Aché, Novartis, Eli Lilly, Solvay, Trade Farma, Zambon, , Solupharma, Ranbaxy, Libbs, Farmaervas, Interlab, EMS, Cristália, Apsen, Allergan.