Operating in the translations market since 1976, we have accumulated 48 years of experience in the provision of specialized technical translations for a wide range of economy sectors and into more than 30 languages.
Find out more about our great variety of technical expertise and the success cases achieved with each of them right here on the SUCCESS CASES .
Never have science and new technologies evolved as in the nigh onto half century of our existence, and our company has evolved with exactly the same rhythm, whereas translations become necessary even before initiating any sort of production.
The largest amount of technical translations globally results from the demand created by the development of technical literature dedicated to new technologies.
Nunca a ciência e as novas tecnologias evoluíram tanto como no último quase meio século de nossa existência, e nossa empresa evoluiu exatamente no mesmo ritmo, considerando que as traduções se fazem necessárias antes mesmo do início de qualquer tipo de produção.
A maior quantidade de traduções técnicas existentes em todo o mundo, vem da demanda gerada pelo desenvolvimento de literaturas técnicas dedicadas às novas tecnologias.
They describe the methodologies to be applied in training the personnel to be hired to deal with novel products or technologies, the production process controls, the quality control to be adopted, and eventually the auditing processes.
During the privatization of the telecom sector in Brazil, we managed to translate roughly 600,000 pages of texts for the several companies that entered the country bringing considerable technological innovations.

These translations often involve not only text files with various layouts, but software, e-learnings, consecutive or simultaneous interpretation, video subtitling and other content as well.
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