A city of superlatives Ideal as host of a translation company that serves clients around the globe

The 14th most globalized city in the planet, rated as an “alpha global city" by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network (GaWC), it is the 7th city with the highest demographic density in the world. With a population of 20 million, it is the 8th largest urban cluster in the world, and the top ranking megalopolis of all the southern hemisphere, with immigrants from 198 countries.

It is the Latin-American city most suitable for operations in the international market of multilingual services. Capital of the most important state in Brazil, São Paulo is a municipality distinguished as the main financial, academic, technological, industrial, corporate and trade center of all South America.
In São Paulo we find citizens from 198 different countries, an important cosmopolitan profile that offers facilities for a TRANSLATION COMPANY such as All Tasks, which provides a wide range of multilingual services for more than 30 languages.
As the mosts populous city in Brazil, the American continent, and all the southern hemisphere, São Paulo is considered the most influent Brazilian city in the global scenario and the 14th most globalized city in the planet.

If we consider the Expanded Metropolitan Complex, which encompasses the neighboring cities under the process of conurbation, we hence reach 30 million residents, accounting for 75% of the state's population.

São Paulo has the 10th largest GDP in the world, answering for 10.7% of the Brazilian GDP, and 36% of the production of goods and services in the state of São Paulo, which hosts 63% of the multinational corporations established in Brazil. It was also responsible for 28% of the national scientific production in 2005 and for almost 50% of the patents registered throughout the nation.
São Paulo also hosts the Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros de São Paulo (BM&FBovespa), ranked as the “second largest stock exchange market in the world" in terms of market value.
Founded in 1554 by Jesuit Priests, it it globally renowned for its cultural, economic, and political influence. Of a rich and diverse architecture, including monuments, parks, gardens, museums, stadiums, racetracks, magnificent shopping malls, theaters, and large convention centers, it enchants both residents and visitors, and is always a stage for events of major repercussion.

The city's motto, present in is official shield, is “Non ducor, duco", a Latin sentence that means “I am not led, I lead."