55 11 2373-3092
55 11 93411-6985


Bar none our greatest challenge and our major achievements

600 thousand pages of technical translations of large-scale literatures for that important economy sector in just 6 years. We met alone all translation requirements from the several companies that entered Brazil to operate in that sector on account of its privatization process. We have standardized the entire technical terminology used by the sector in national territory, installed service stations within the clients’ installations to support the development of technical proposals, and the carry out the first software localizations into dozens of languages in record deadlines.

All Tasks completes 600 thousand pages translated for the Telecom sector

A large demand for Translation Services from the Telecom sector took place between 1991 and 1998, a period that concentrated high volumes of technology imports, and resulted in a revolutionary expansion of the sector under the privatization process in Brazil.

Standing on our involvement with telecom expansion, we became the translation services market leader in Latin America. We can truly call it a quantum leap, translating nearly 600 thousand pages for the telecom sector, or roughly 100 million words.

An important case of success: Lucent — The largest technical translation ever made for a Telecom company

The first major project we carried out was translating the technical documentation of a digital switch for Lucent, today Alcatel-Lucen, tallying 120,000 pages.  Thereupon we completed the software localization for that equipment.

Lucent also entrusted All Tasks with the translation of texts to be used in the technical proposals drafted in response to the large volume of bids at the time. With aim to ensure agility and confidentiality, we allocated the teams dedicated to that activity into service outposts set up in the client’s installations. We maintained an outpost that occupied an entire floor in Lucent’s modern building on Av. Berrini for more than a year.

Such initiative brought much peace of mind to the teams involved in the bids, who credited a significant part of the success attained to the translation services we provided.

The site’s structure was suitable to each project’s requirements, and they posed great challenges. Occasionally we were required to have one professional on call, then, suddenly, a team of 30 or 40 translators were mobilized, among which technical writers, translators and layout designers. We worked on multiple proposals at the same time.

The software used by Lucent’s Digital Switch was the first to be localized for the telecom sector in Brazil. Between 1991 and 1993, for Lucent alone we provided more than 200 thousand pages of technical translations, while carrying on with other large-scale projects

Another success case: We handled the software localization of Siemens’ first Smartphone from German into 26 languages.

Another landmark was the work done for the launch of the German Siemens first Smart Phone, which required localization services into 26 languages from the original German in record time. That was a project developed very successfully, despite the high-pressure levels under the product launch deadlines. We carried our works out in parallel with the final stage of software development, which was scheduled for Manaus, interfacing with Germany.

Large-scale Technical Translations for other telecom companies

The success reached by setting up the advanced service outpost within Lucent installations led us to prepare many others. The fact that we were hired to work for several competing companies at the same time illustrates the reliability we inspire.

Companies such as Nec, Motorola, Nortel, Bell South, Bell Canada, Ameritech, Alcatel, and Siemens hired dozens of thousands pages from All Tasks’ Translation Services, either to implement cell phone systems or importing products and other technologies.

Investments in research and Glossary development: Technical Terminology Standardization for the telecom sector throughout the entire national territory

The technical terminology glossaries drafted to support the projects, were developed based on research that was quite a burdensome task, at a time when technical dictionaries were scarce, and without the dynamics brought later on by the Internet. Those glossaries stand today as the main influence over the standardization of the technical terminology defined and used by the sector in the country.

We worked with ABNT and TELEBRAS, and jointly with the large state-owned telecom companies at the time, in order to achieve better acceptance of the terminology we intended to standardize for the national territory. Those efforts were generated by All Tasks spontaneously, and had their costs fully absorbed by our company. We consider that success case but one among the many social responsibility initiatives we have assumed towards the translation sector in the country.