With the highest level of wealth equality in the world, Denmark is a Scandinavian country of northern Europe, counting over 5 million Danish-speaking inhabitants.
Their language, which has certain ties with Norwegian and Swedish, is also spoken in some regions of Germany, Greenland and the Faeroe Islands.

By Juliana Tavares
The first texts in Danish date approximately from the year 1200.
In that period, the Scandinavian explorers, warriors, merchants and pirates known as vikings invaded and colonized large areas of Europe and the North Atlantic islands—reason why the language is today an curious crop of different sorts of cultures, having been influenced by a large number of regional dialects. It was only in the 13th century, when the Protestant reform occurred in the country, that modern Danish emerged, based on the dialect spoken by the inhabitants of Copenhagen, a cultural, economic and political center of the nation.
That new language structure is used to this day in the country.
The language has grammar similar to English, and also some similarities with German.
The tongue is divided into three groups:
Jysk (spoken in the region of Jutland); Omál (insular Danish, spoken in the Funen and Zealand islands, and smaller islands to the south), and Bornholmsk (in the island of Bornholm, south of Sweden).
As per the other dialects, they are spoken by nearly 3 million Danes.
Also, the most interesting aspect of Danish is the mode of sound articulation, which originated from the tonic accent, always in the first syllable of the word's root.
Thus, it became usual to say that the greatest complication of the language is in pronunciation—not in grammar.
The words are formed, as in German, by prefixation, suffixation and composition.
The verbs are transitive or intransitive, having active and passive voices and the indicative and imperative modes with traces from the subjunctive.
The language uses the Latin alphabet and has 9 vowels: a, e, i, o, u, y, æ, ø, å.
The vowel Æ,æ functions as É from Portuguese, or as the Ä from German.
On the other hand, the vowel Ø,ø has no equivalent in Portuguese, and is intermediate between O and E, such as Ö in German or the Œ from French.
Finally, Å,å is the equivalent to the AA phoneme to write pronouns, and was introduced by the orthographic reform of 1948.
With those many peculiarities, the translation of documents in Danish should be carried out by highly qualified professionals.
All Tasks, specialized in translating large-scale technical documentations, technical standards and technical manuals, maintains a qualified team who is knowledgeable of the languages peculiarities.